It's interesting

Citywide spring clean-UPS (Subbotnic – Saturday day) in 2019 in Moscow began on April 13, which has long been a real cultural tradition of the residents of the capital.
It is believed that the author of the tradition of citywide cultural and entertainment subbotniks in Moscow, is the mayor of the Russian capital — Sergei Sobyanin. The cult and permanent mayor really gave this initiative about 6 years ago, but the root of the tradition lies much deeper historically. Tradition of subbotniks in Moscow Sobyanin revived from the long-standing informal obligations of the citizens of the Soviet Union. In those days, subbotniks were literally in every city and village in the spring and autumn. In URS everyone perceived this tradition as a strict law, for the failure of which they could be blamed.
Citywide spring clean-UPS in 2019 in Moscow will continue to be positioned as a cultural program so that people could feeel the unity and joy of a common goal to make life a little better.
A significant difference between the Soviet subbotniks and those that were re-founded in Moscow sample of the 21st century, is primarily in the approach. The modern Clean UP is a kind of mass entertainment that should not be missed. In each of the dozens of new and beautiful parks, group coordinators orginize comic competitions on whose group will wash the monuments and statues, or sweep the dry grass.
For the guests of the capital the whole excursions are orginized to the cheerful places of citywide clean-UPS, so that people came, were inspired and approved such initiatives in their cities. Moreover — in each of the key parks (that is, the places of subbotniks), such as “Zaryadye” or Gorky Park, there is an opportunity to join the residents of Moscow in an attempt to Refine the places of public rest. The very same residents of the city hall motivates to come with the whole family, relax in the fresh air, have fun and all together to help your favorite city.